Bran Hambric Chapter 3: The Creature and His Master or GNOMES!

I don't understand just yet why no Gnomes are allowed in Dunce. I mean, I can see why mages and things wouldn't be, as some people see magic as evil. But Gnomes don't use magic, do they?
Oh, about the Gnomes. Well, Sewey gets caught be Officer McMason and tries to tell him about the burglar, but McMason doesn't buy it. So then Sewey claims it was a Gnome. He now has a fortnight, (which Bran says is 14 days, and I've wondered what a fortnight is as well) to catch the “Gnome” and prove it. Or the officer will bust a cap and kill him.
In other news, Clarence happens to be alive! This makes me happy. I kind of like the name Clarence. So, I have to keep reading to find out if he dies or not. Either he'll die really epically and it'll be really sad, or he won't die at all. I'm leaning towards that he won't die, at least not in this book, for 1. Because I don't want him to, and 2. Because he didn't die in The Prologue after all, so he probably has an important part to play in the story.
Kaleb said he likes Gnomes because, “They're in my book”. Well, he had to have liked Gnomes before then, and I just wonder what his obsession is with them. I mean, everybody has a favorite something, but what exactly is it about Gnomes that Kaleb really likes? And why isn't the main character of his book a Gnome?

Or is he?


I know, I have not updated in forever! But, there is exciting Bran Hambric: TSK! (The second book.) Check out for some new secrets!
Also, for fans of Kaleb Nation, he has a new YouTube channel that he has had for quite a few weeks now. It is Be sure to watch his regular channel still as well though,
It also appears that the title and possibly other BH:TSK things have been leaked. Check Kaleb Nation's Twitter, for more info.
I will be putting up more chapter reviews, sit tight!
And, very importantly, make sure you watch Kaleb's Twitter to know when he is doing a BlogTV here at Last time he read some of BH2!

Bran Hambric Chapter 2: Chasing Shadows in the Dark or Where Are You?

So, the creature is revealed. Bran finds out that the monsters name is Shambles. Shambles has come to take Bran somewhere, he says to Bran's mother, who, as we learned in the prologue, died. I also got confused about the actions happening. At the end of the last chapter, I thought Bran jumped off the roof, or at least jumped onto the ladder, and yet Sewey was able to throw him against the chimney just after he jumped out of the way, wherever the heck he jumped. The creature looked similar to a man, but with a distorted face. I was confused if the creature was on all fours or just two. I imagine it looked something like a Zombie. But then Shambles pulls this rope out of nowhere. Okay, so, maybe Shambles had a pocket or something. Was Shambles wearing clothes? Only his face and general shape were described. Well, I guess Bran's clothes weren't exactly described, but I guess we just assume everyone wears clothes in Dunce. But, Shambles is a monster/creature so......I don't know what his body looks like.
Oh, and, I've heard Kaleb Nation read a bit of Bran Hambric on BlogTV, and I just find it funny the way he says, “oh rot!”, which is also a line of Sewey's in this chapter.
So basically after this confusing rooftop battle in which things appear and people are not where I thought they were, Bran and Sewey take off after Shambles, but end up losing him and get pulled over by “Officer McMason”. (Which I also think is funny for Kaleb to say.)

Bran Hambric Chapter 1: Strange Happenings on Bolton Road or The Creature Appears

Kaleb Nation has his own style of writing. I can just see it when I read. His work, as some say, resembles J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter. I am not inclined to disagree, however, I do know that there are MANY differences, and few similarities. Oh, Bran's an orphan, and so was Harry. Also, the book has magic. And mages. You know what J.K? You should definitely be suing Kaleb Nation just like that other person tried to sue Stephanie Meyer, because he OBVIOUSLY stole your story. Word from the wise to all you writers out there, if your story contains magic and your main character is an orphan boy, you better throw it out the window because you are using J.K. Rowling's copyrights on boys, magic, and orphans.
In other news, a mysterious creature has appeared on the roof of the Wilomas's. The chapter's in this book seem to be fairly short, at least so far, and so there isn't a whole lot to talk about. Sewey plans to catch a supposed burglar who came to his house by waiting on the roof for him/her. Bran has to go with, just because. Well, because he's an Accident. That's apparently what he's called around Dunce, or at least in the Wilomas house. Oh look, there's ANOTHER Harry Potter similarity! Bran's adopted family doesn't want him. Well, the chapter ends somewhat frightfully, with “the creature” jumping onto the roof and Bran jumping out of the way just in time. Way to build the intensity Kaleb Nation!

Is it even possibly to sue for character similarity?

Bran Hambric: The Prologue or If only Clarence was a Werewolf

I finally read the prologue of Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse by Kaleb Nation for myself. I had heard him read it once or twice before on BlogTV, but it had been the ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) version and so it had some differences.

I can't help but think that if Clarence had been a werewolf, he could have busted out and thrown the beat down on those 5 guys. But, he wasn't, and thus, I must read on and see if more is revealed about his fate.

Emry Hambric, Bran's mother, locks him in the trunk of her car and then “flung the magic” at it, sending him to a bank vault in Dunce. Which is actually the city she is in now. She also gets shot two or three times, and is left bleeding to death. But doesn't actually die, per se.

So, Emry Hambric is NOT dead. Well, not until book 6, that is. (6 books is how many Kaleb Nation has planned for the series.) I have found that many characters in books and movies, die. Well, not really, because no one ever really stays dead. This is due to a few reasons: 1. The author/creator never intended for them to die, thus it was all a set up. 2. The author/creator decides later on that they, or the fans, liked that character too much, and they must be revived. 3. Someone who is not the author/creator decides that they like the character too much and makes up a new story in which the character never died, or just came back to life.

So, until the last book is released, to me, Emry is not dead.

First Official Post!

Here's the first official post of the Blog! Welcome everyone to The Bran Chick's Blog! I hope you all enjoy yourselves while here! Click the links above to find out more information, and I home you enjoy!
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About Me

Hi, my name is Kaelisa Van Dyke. I am a 19 year old English major college student. I created this site, The Bran Chick, to post blogs about Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse, and also news about the author, Kaleb Nation.
I wish to blog about the series, and carry on Kaleb Nation's original idea for the site

Kaleb Nation's book was in the top 500 books on Amazon for pre-orders.
Bran Hambric became a #1 Trending Topic on Twitter.
Kaleb Nation's books are selling out at some bookstores.
We shall see.

BranFans can talk with me using the live chat, through Twitter, or by simply commenting on Blog posts.
I hope you enjoy the site!